Residents of Ruskopolyanska hromada built fire station on their own

Residents of the Ruska Polyana village restored the fire station on their own. Construction began in the 80's, though only a carcass was built.

“Once a fire station was being built here. It was supposed to have 3-4 cars to serve the whole Cherkasy Rayon,” says Oleh Hrytsenko, head of the Ruskopolyanska AH. “However, the construction was frozen and by 2017 the building was standing without a roof, windows and doors. When people asked to create a fire department, I addressed the rayon leadership and village heads, but nobody was willing to support us financially. Then I applied to businessmen – some of them gave money, and some bought repair materials. People came to plaster the walls. My mother-in-law cooked varenyky for everyone.”

Now the premises are practically ready for use. The oblast directorate of the State Emergency Service leased a fire truck for 1 UAH. The AH plans to recruit a team of four fire fighters and at the same time fire truck drivers. Former retired firefighters have already volunteered to work. They will start servicing calls already in August.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

11.07.2019 - 09:15 | Views: 8895
Residents of Ruskopolyanska hromada built fire station on their own


safety fire safety


Черкаська область


Руськополянська сільська об'єднана територіальна громада Русько-Полянська територіальна громада


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