We are inspired by the Caprathians: Vyacheslav Nehoda presented online information resource on Ukrainian Carpathians development

MinRegion, along with the support of international partners, creates an online resource for the development of territories of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The web platform will contain all the information about the region: statistics, governmental decisions, projects in various spheres, etc. Technically, the platform is almost completed, it remains to be filled in with quality.

This was stated by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during the plenary discussion on “Prospects for the development of mountainous territories”, held within the framework of the IV Local Development Forum in Truskavets.

“The many years of talk on this forum have inspired us with the topic of the Carpathians, stimulated the non-standard and modern approach to planning the development of these territories,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda. “At spring meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers we decided to present not only an action plan to implement the Governmental Concept of the Carpathians’ Development, but also an online application – a project of spatial development of this territory with the visualisation of projects and programmes that will be implemented there.”

According to him, the cartographic part of the platform has already been created and some projects have been introduced in it. Everyone will be able to see what this project envisages, its timing and budget, as well as its participants and implementors, etc.

“In this way, we will ensure publicity and increase responsibility for the implementation of projects,” said the First Deputy Minister.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.06.2019 - 14:52 | Views: 8209
We are inspired by the Caprathians: Vyacheslav Nehoda presented online information resource on Ukrainian Carpathians development


V.Nehoda regional development mountainous areas


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