Pre-Carpathian Region continues to form amalgamated hromadas

The local self-government reform and decentralisation of power in Ukraine and oblasts continue. Another three communities – Bytkiv urban-type settlement, Pasichna and Pniv village communities of the Nadvirna rayon decided to use benefits of the reform and started the process of voluntary amalgamation. The question of further establishing amalgamated hromadas in the Nadvirna rayon was discussed during the meeting held on 25 June.

The Pasichnianska amalgamated hromada with a centre in the village of Pasichna will become the fourth AH in the Nadvirna rayon. It will include four villages of the Pasichna village council, three villages of the Pniv village council and the urban-type settlement of Bytkiv, so the number of population will make almost 17 thousand residents, and the area will be 168.5 square kilometers. According to the previous calculations, the financial capability of this hromada will be sufficient to keep the infrastructure of all settlements. In future, the Pasichnianska AH will be able to expand through voluntary accession of Zelene and Bystrytsia village communities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


amalgamation of hromadas


Івано-Франківська область


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