FC “BRATSLAV JUNIOR” - sports business card of Bratslavska AH

A new sports facility was opened in the Bratslavska settlement AH of the Vinnytsia Oblast. The Bratslavska AH was established in 2017 and consists of three settlements: the villages of Monastyrske and Hrabovets and Bratslav urban-type settlement, which is the hromada centre. Population is more than 7000 people.

With the assistance of the experts of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, the Bratslavska hromada took active part in the preparation of the AH Development Strategy, where support for the comprehensive development of education, culture, sports and active leisure activities for youth was among the priorities.

At the beginning of the year, the Bratslavska AH took part in the state programme “Construction of football fields with artificial cover in all regions of Ukraine”. According to Inna Panadiy, head of the Finance, Accounting and Reporting Department of the Bratslav Settlement Council, the state financed the construction with UAH 684.7 thousand, UAH 679 thousand of social and economic development funds as well as UAH 93.6 thousand of local budget funds were engaged.



The new football field has come in handy for the local football team, because this sport is very popular among the hromada children. FC "BRATSLAV JUNIOR" has 72 athletes and takes an active part in regional and national competitions of youth teams. The team visited the international football tournament in Denmark and ranked sixth among the teams of the participants.





The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


youth sport


Вінницька область


Брацлавська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Брацлавська територіальна громада


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