AH Association launched Annual Forum for Chief Administrators in amalgamated hromadas

On 21 June, Kyiv hosted Ukraine’s first Forum for Chief Administrators in AHs.

The event, organised by the AH Association, gathered more than 100 representatives of amalgamated hromadas, international technical assistance programmes and state institutions.

The decentralisation processes and the local self-government reform in Ukraine necessitate introduction of modern and systematic approaches, concepts and technologies of municipal management.

Achieving a high level of human resources’ management in a local government is a complex process and requires, including, an effective training system.

"Professional networks created on the basis of the Association will allow accumulation of knowledge and information important for the development of Ukrainian hromadas," said Barry Reed, Director of the DOBRE Programme.

An online course for specialists of local councils "Institutional development of local self-government of an amalgamated hromada", developed by the Association of AHs, with the support of international partners, was presented during the event. It will be soon available on the official website of the Association.

The Forum for Chief Administrators of Amalgamated Hromadas is organised and conducted with the support of the Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

24.06.2019 - 16:14 | Views: 11612
AH Association launched Annual Forum for Chief Administrators in amalgamated hromadas


AOTH amalgamation of hromadas


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