“Today, under decentralisation, AHs receive new additional mechanisms of infrastructure and small cities’ development from the state " - Yevheniy Nyshchuk
As part of a working trip to the Kharkiv Oblast, Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevheniy Nyshchuk visited the village of Skovorodynivka, Zolochiv Rayon, which is famous for the fact that for some time the famous thinker Hryhorii Skovoroda lived and worked there. The village has a unique feature – the National Literary and Memorial Museum of Hryhorii Skovoroda, displaying books, paintings, objects of Ukrainian life, which express the spirit of that time. The central exposition of the museum is dedicated to the life of the famous Ukrainian, his poetic and pedagogical heritage.
After reviewing the exposition and meeting with the museum's leadership, the Minister of Culture spoke with representatives of the local hromada in charge of culture and education of the rayon. According to the locals, the territorial hromada created a year ago pays the necessary attention to support and develop both the cultural facilities of the village and implement cultural and artistic initiatives. Thus, at present, the hromada carries out reconstruction and modernisation of the local library, cultural and artistic and scientific events are held on the basis of the National Literary and Memorial Museum of Hryhoriy Skovoroda, the local music school became one of 29 Ukrainian schools to take part in the pilot project on the introduction of elementary arts educational programmes into the educational process of art schools.
Minister of Culture Yevheniy Nyshchuk noted that in recent years the issues of cultural development are among the priorities of the state policy, the issue of cultural subvention, which, in the context of the decentralisation reform, should ensure equal access of all Ukrainian citizens to a quality cultural product, is currently on the agenda. New mechanisms are being created – institutions of a new type – the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and Ukrainian Book Institute, that provide great opportunities for the implementation of cultural policy in various directions, in particular, obtaining state grant support for the implementation of cultural and artistic projects.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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