Members of the Board of Yalta European Strategy: Decentralisation became one of the fundamental reforms that has changed Ukraine

The decentralisation reform launched in 2014 that encapsulates strengthening of the role and opportunities of local self-government became one of the fundamental transformations that has changed Ukraine and brought it to a new stage of development. This was stated by members of the Board of the Yalta European Strategy (YES) during a meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.

"Decentralisation is a fundamental transformation of the country that the Government has implemented," Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden, member of the Board of YES noted.

In turn, Volodymyr Groysman recalled that the reform concept was discussed in spring of 2014, and then the international community including representatives of YES  commended the potential of the proposed changes.

"I remember when in spring of 2014 during the important round tables on development issues in Ukraine we discussed the need for decentralisation. And today we have great and tangible reform progress," the Head of Government stressed.

The parties emphasised that such transformations are not easy because they encapsulate many processes and take long time.

"As the former President of Poland I understand the complexity of the changes. We have also carried out reforms. And I am sure that time will show that the government and personally Volodymyr Groysman implemented great things for Ukraine and paved the way for its sucess", Aleksander Kwasniewski, Chairman of the Board of YES underlined.

The sides commended number of other changes introduced by the Government. In particular, reforms in the healthcare, education, pension, energy sectors, especially in the gas segment, in the fight against corruption.

"The Groysman government ensured the key thing which is the reputation of Ukraine as a reliable partner. Confidence is an important thing for the dialogue with the whole world. This is the key to Ukraine's success together with the continuation of reforms," Wolfgang Ischinger, member of the Board of YES, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference underscored.

19.06.2019 - 11:23 | Views: 8186
Members of the Board of Yalta European Strategy: Decentralisation became one of the fundamental reforms that has changed Ukraine


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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