Zhytomyr and neighbouring AHs prepare joint projects on waste management and agricultural development

On 13 June, Markiyan Datsyshyn and Oleksandr Serhiyenko, Civil Society Institute specialists, met with the experts of the Zhytomyr City Council within the framework of the project “Urban-Rural Partnership as an Effective Mechanism of Local Economic Development". The purpose of the meeting was to work out ideas for implementation within the framework of intemunicipal cooperation between Zhytomyr and surrounding AHs.

“The partnership, formed by the Zhytomyr City Council and the Stanishevska, Teterivska and Oliyivskaamalgamated hromadas, envisages implementation of two cooperation projects. One of them concerns the introduction of modern methods and technologies for solid household waste management. Another project "From the farm court to the city table" provides for the creation of a system for growing, collecting, processing, delivering and selling agricultural products within the Zhytomyr Oblast, " said Markian Datsyshyn, representative of the NGO Civil Society Institute.

In the process of discussion, experts should determine which of the projects will create additional opportunities for local economic development. The question is not easy, since according to hromadas, both projects are relevant and important.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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