The Parliament made the first step to regulation of state registration of amalgamated communities

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine made the first step towards regulation of issues concerning state registration of amalgamated communities. On November 26, 246 deputies supported in the first reading the draft Law of Ukraine #3106 “On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine as to Peculiarities of State Registration of Local Self-government Bodies as Legal Entities”.

“The Law of Ukraine “On state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and civil formations”, already adopted by the Parliament, and this draft Law of Ukraine “On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine as to Peculiarities of State Registration of Local Self-government Bodies as Legal Entities”, in fact, resolve all the issues, allowing the newly-created amalgamated territorial communities to function”, stated Gennady Zubko.

Vice-Prime Minsiter of Ukraine also noted that he would address the Parliament with a request to ensure state financial support of these communities in 2016.

Gennady Zubko reminded that the law “On voluntary unification of territorial communities” provided for state support of such communities. “We must financially strengthen the decentralization reform, which is supported by 59% of Ukrainians”, he stated.

Minregion supports this draft law, as its approval will regulate the relationships, emerging in the process of state registration of a local self-government body (either newly-formed or created as a result of merging, association, division, or transformation of an already existing one) as a legal entity. It will eliminate the drawbacks of legal regulation of such issues as inheritance of rights by amalgamated territorial communities, their village, settlement, city councils, and executive committees. Also, the document will harmonize the procedures of re-organization of local self-government bodies in the process of voluntary unification of territorial communities with the legislation in force.

As it was previously noted by the First deputy Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine Vyacheslav Negoda, it was necessary to re-register 159 village, settlement, city councils of amalgamated territorial communities, and, respectively, 159 executive committees of these communities. Beside that, termination of activity of 1200 local councils had to be registered as well. A clear procedure is needed for that, and this procedure is provided by the draft law in question.


The draft Law of Ukraine #3106 provides for supplementing the Law of Ukraine “On state registration of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs” with a new article 24-2, as well as introduction of amendments to articles 7, 8, 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On voluntary unification of territorial communities”.


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