The Parliament introduced voting by roll call in local councils

The deputies ensured transparent voting in local councils and public control over voting of every deputy. The respective draft Law of Ukraine “On introduction of amendments to article 59 of Law of Ukraine “On local self-government in Ukraine” (concerning personal voting)” was approved as basis and as a whole. 236 people’s deputies voted for this decision.

Approval of the draft law will enhance personal responsibility of deputies and improve the quality of local self-government functioning. Decisions of local councils shall be approved by open voting by roll call, except for cases, for which secret voting is provided by the legislation in force (such as selection of candidates for certain posts in a council, or censure vote).

Personal voting results will be subject to mandatory publication and available on demand, as provided by the Law of Ukraine “On access to public information”. All results of personal voting will be published on the same day at the official web-site of the council, and stored there for unlimited term.


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