03 December 2024

Land management in hromada: Mezhivska AH applies modern technologies

On 18-19 June, Kharkiv will host the Local Systemic Development Forum. The event will bring together 79 hromadas that have been selected and won in the Local Systemic Development Programme competition.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and share their experience of introducing advanced GIS technologies in their hromadas, since these very technologies provide transparent, sustainable and efficient management of land and other resources that stimulate further hromada development.

On the eve of the event, we will get you acquainted with the winning hromadas and their heads, and talk about successes and obstacles that arose during the period of participation in the Local System Development Programme competition.

The Mezhivska settlement amalgamated hromada became one of the three leaders of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast and ten target hromadas. It consists of 30 settlements with a total area of ​​630 square km and population over 15 thousand people. The hromada’s land fund amounts to 58497.6 hectares, of which 55685.4 hectares are agricultural land.



As part of the Local System Development Programme, land managers gathered information on available land resources and created geoinformation databases on the ArcGIS online platform.



“Your project gives the prospect for development, the tool, the keys to work, it’s the future,” shares his impressions Volodymyr Zrazhevskyi, head of the Mezhivka AH.

The Mezhivska settlement AH has won a grant for the implementation of two projects, namely the arrangement of a sewing and footwear repair workshops. The sum of these projects is UAH 549 thousand, and their introduction will bring four workplaces. In addition, specialists of the Economic Development Department have prepared proposals on four investment projects, two of which are the most promising for the hromada – namely, the concrete products manufacturing and greenhouse complex.

At present, the AH managed to interest an investor who starts his work on a rented land plot to construct a solar power station with a capacity of 7 MW on an area of ​​13 hectares.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Дніпропетровська область


Межівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Межівська територіальна громада


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