How Tavrychanska AH in Kherson Oblast is earning and developing

Three village councils created AH in 2016. The joint budget, which was less than UAH 10 million, has already increased 5-fold. And today the Tavrychanska AH works with a significant reversal - it shares its budget with less wealthy hromadas.

Due to this, the rural hromada in the Kherson Oblast has such a profit as it develops tourism without having beautiful mountains and ancient castles – Yuriy Hrechka, head of the hromada, told about this in the UCMC-DOBRE project “Speakers of Hromadas”.


Yuriy Hrechka says that he did not work in local self-government during the process of amalgamation, but he reminds that the discussions were quite active. People did not have enough information on successful examples of AHs and there were not so many of them at that time. However, they dared to amalgamate and did not regret of it.

Yuriy Hrechka told that after amalgamation they saw that the hromada had neither development planning, nor even projects for which money would be enough even before. Already in 2016, when the AH received money and powers, the project approach to work began to operate here. After defining priorities, the hromada could solve urgent issues - repairing water pipes, equipping schools. Meanwhile, a poll was conducted among the residents to form an official strategy. The document was made until 2028, but it supposes to make changes, as part of the plans can be implemented today.


"The most important thing for us is people - how to provide them with comfortable living conditions. These include workplaces, recreational facilities, transport accessibility, medical support, good kindergartens and schools. This is a complex, so we have developed a strategy for more than six months. "

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Херсонська область


Тавричанська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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