Hromada in Chernihiv Oblast has designs on kartdrome construction

The massive interest of the Oster city residents in technical creativity, as well as opportunities provided by decentralisation, are pushing the hromada to implement the idea of ​​creating its own kartdrome of the European level.

These plans were shared by Andriy Skydan, Deputy Mayor of Oster city, during a press conference in Osterska AH organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

"We plan to build our own European-model kartdrome to hold competitions. It may be a good investment, since Ukraine has very little number of this level kartdromes, and if we build it (and we have already a place for it), we will be able to host competitions even of the European level. The hromada will, of course, earn profit from it – both from site rent and reception of guests," the official said. 


The idea of ​​building a kartdrome in Oster did not originate not without a reason. The "Kart" club of the local station of young technicians is a powerful community of technical creativity. It is attended by both schoolchildren and adults who have not left the interest of their childhood.


Andrii Skydan used to attend the club himself. Therefore, he understands the feelings of karting lovers and their desire to have a kartdrome.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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Чернігівська область


Остерська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Остерська територіальна громада



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