Americans believe in tourist attractiveness of Kherson Oblast, and are willing to popularise it
Travel along the "salt path", following the chumaks who traveled to Crimea for salt, and see the tourist attractions of the Kherson Oblast. The participants of the Tavrian Tourism Congress, among which was a group of volunteers from the US Peace Corps, had such an opportunity.
They arrived to Nova Kakhovka to reflect on how to make the Kherson Oblast more attractive to tourists from all over the world. Lake Syvash, and behind it on the horizon - Crimea occupied by Russia. Here in the extreme south of the Kherson Oblast a tourist can see a miracle of nature. Lemurian lake with pink-coloured water.
Pavlo Yarmiy
"The Kherson Oblast was always nearby Crimea. Everyone says – God, I never knew that the Kherson Oblast is like that! – And when did you see it? – Well, I was driving to Crimea. This was the case, everyone came across the Kherson Oblast while going to Crimea and never really saw it," says Pavlo Yarmiy, head of the public organidation “Tavria Association of Territorial Hromadas”.
A group of volunteers from the US Peace Corps visited the Tavrian Tourism Congress.
"Now I'm a Cossack," says a volunteer from America
They are experts in the tourism business. The volunteer delegation include a New York City Museum employee, manager of the Marriott Hotel Network, an employee of the Yellowstone National Park. There is a chef, an expert in culinary tourism. They have ideas on how to promote the tourist attractiveness of Kherson Oblast. Now the volunteers work in different cities and villages of Ukraine, and here in Nova Kakhovka they take part in the Tavrian Salt Path.
Donielle Goldinger
As US Peace Corps Volunteer Donielle Goldinger says, “I see great potential in this region because there are so many unique beauties. In addition, all this is almost virgin - pristine nature, just what is needed for rest and relaxation.”
Jeffrey Kronberg
Volunteer Jeffrey Kronberg, chef and expert on gastourism, adds: “I love varenyky, holubtsi, salo, black bread and garlic, red borsch. And in order to make local cuisine even more attractive, I would advise you to provide more information about product suppliers. It is very popular in America: point out where the food comes from, and emphasise that you are working with local farmers.”
Thomas Choi
As the Peace Corps volunteer Thomas Choi says, “I myself would come here as a tourist from America if I knew that there is so much to be seen. And I believe that it is only a matter of successful marketing, roads and infrastructure. And the tourists will come. For such attractions, like, say, the Lemurian lake, is a unique thing for the whole world. Therefore, the Kherson Oblast has a great tourism potential.”
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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