Ukrainian reforms: secret of infrastructure development success of Studenykivska AH

The date of Studenyky village founding, located in the Kyiv Oblast, is not known for sure. However, some scholars argue that most likely the settlement arose more than 300 years ago, and its first residents were the Pereyaslav Cossacks. The village was named after Cossack Studenyk. 

Today, the village of Studenyky is the centre of amalgamated hromada, established on 24 December 2017. It consists of 5 village councils. Its population is almost 4.5 thousand people. The main task is to make life comfortable there, and the region itself promising.

“Our hromada was ready. Collective farms were united, children went from one village to another to school. Therefore, a group of deputies raised the issue of the AH formation. After all, the taxes paid by the Studenyky enterprises did not return to people. So, in order to change the situation, village councils decided to amalgamate,” tells Maria Lyakh, head of the Studenykivska AH.

Due to amalgamation rural healthcare is now in the active reformation phase. An outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine, which includes 6 healthcare facilities, has recently opened in Studenyky.

The village of Pereyaslavske is one of the richest in the hromada. It has 6 large enterprises. This guarantees not only the flow of funds to the joint budget, but also creation of new jobs. In addition, there is a railway passing through the village, so there were plenty of those willing to amalgamate with Pereyaslavske. However, there was no school in the village. In a year the AH built a school and a boiler-house in the village, while the construction of the stadium is under way.

The villages of Somkova Dolyna and Sosnova were the luckiest, since before they had no funds even to pay salaries. 

“Before amalgamation we were a subsidised village council. Without decentralisation, we simply would not survive,” says Tetiana Shatun, acting starosta of Somkova Dolyna and Sosnova villages.


Київська область


Студениківська територіальна громада



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