Velyki Hayi ASC can issue ID cards and foreign passports

The Administrative Service Centre in the Velykohayivska amalgamated hromada has been successfully operating for already more than half a year. Hromada residents can receive over 100 types of administrative serviced locally.

On Monday, 27 May, this set of services included another important function. From now on the local ASC can issue a foreign passport and a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID card.

“Decentralisation in the Ternopil Oblast started from the Velykohayivska AH. 17 infrastructural projects have already been implemented at the expense of the state budget. And I am pleased to come here and every time observe dynamic changes. Today, we see that people have felt the benefits of administrative service delivery, since them include minimisation of the factor of impact, and bureaucracy. By opening a new service, we give people the opportunity to solve their problems here – in the Velykohayivska hromada. Not only residents of your hromada can visit the Centre, but also people from other rayons,” said Stepan Barna, head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration.

Attached images:


Administrative services


Тернопільська область


Великогаївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Великогаївська територіальна громада


Сайт Тернопільської ОДА

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