More than 10 civil society organisations to observe local elections on 30 June

The Central Election Commission authorised a number of civil society organisations to have official observers during the local elections on 30 June 2019, as reported on the CEC’s Facebook page.

In particular, the Central Election Commission granted permission to have official observers during the local elections on 30 June 2019, to: the All-Ukrainian civil society organisation "Committee of Voters of Ukraine" – during the first elections of deputies of village, settlement, city councils of amalgamated hromadas and corresponding village, settlement, city mayors, additional elections of deputies of village and settlement councils, interim elections of deputies of village and settlement councils, repeat elections of deputies of village, settlement councils and village, settlement heads, first elections of heads of villages, settlements.

Besides, other CSOs are authorised to observe the elections: the Atlantic Council, Democratic Impact Group, Democratic Platform, European Platform, Zminy.Ty, Election Research Institute, Institute of Political Studies, Ukrainian Information Resource Centre , Centre of Influence, Centre for the Development of Democracy – during the first elections of deputies of village, settlement, city councils of AHs and corresponding village, settlement, city mayors in the territory of the Kyiv Oblast.

In addition, the Commission approved the form for submission of candidatures to the constituency and district election commissions for the election of MPs of Ukraine, as well as amended its resolution of 27 June 2012 No. 105 “On the Form of the Election List of Candidates for Members of Parliament of Ukraine from the Political Party in the National Multi-Mandate Constituency”.


elections CEC



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