Government approves first set of investment projects to be financed from SFRD in 2019

The Government has approved the first list of regional development programmes and projects that will be financed from the State Fund for Regional Development in 2019. These are 340 projects with the total volume of UAH 3.3 billion.

This was announced by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, when commenting the corresponding decision.

"At the expense of the SFRD, in regions there will be realised 113 objects of education (general schools, kindergartens) for UAH 885 million, 29 water supply and sewage facilities for UAH 383.8 million, 58 objects of health care and social protection of the population for UAH 696 million, 14 objects of the road infrastructure for UAH 277 million, 19 cultural objects for UAH 161.5 million, etc.", emphasised Hennadii Zubko.

According to the official, the undistributed balance of the SFRD makes UAH 4.3 billion, UAH 500 million of which is funds for implementing the winning projects of the All-Ukrainian Public Budget.

The order for funding from the SFRD includes projects submitted for consideration by all oblasts (except the Kyiv and Lviv Oblasts) and the city of Kyiv, the realization of which began in previous years with the attraction of funds from the SFRD.

It is worth mentioning that the total funding for the SFRD in 2019 makes UAH 7.6 billion.




SFRD regional development


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