28 March 2025

50 days before elections in AHs. Task number 1 for hromadas is to find leaders among themselves – MinRegion

The electoral process in 66 amalgamated hromadas begins on 11 May. It envisages establishment of village, settlement, city election commissions and formation of their membership. After that, the process of nominating candidates for deputies, candidates for the post of village, settlement, city heads at the first local elections will start.

Elections in these hromadas, according to the decision of the Central Election Commission, will be held on 30 June (CEC’s resolutions No 846 and No 847 dated 20.04.2019).

Formation of capable hromadas through amalgamation is an important component of the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power. The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services is in charge of the reform. The Ministry stated that elections to the councils of amalgamated hromadas are no less important than the national elections. After all, the extent to which the newly elected local authorities in hromadas will be competent and proactive will affect the development of the hromada itself.

“The first years of the reform have raised the whole cohort of new local self-government leaders. The overwhelming majority of them are decisive, creative, active and, above all, professional people that can cope with any challenges. They are those who embody positive changes and demonstrate the real results of the reform: reloading all spheres of life in villages and towns. I wish hromadas, that will make their choice on 30 June, to elect such leaders – heads and deputies. They are for sure present among the residents of these AHs. And while the electoral process and nomination of candidates are underway, the hromadas must find them among themselves, and then – to support them at the elections,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

Meanwhile, 25 newly established AHs expect the Central Election Commission to appoint the first local elections on their territory. The appointment of additional elections is expected by 17 acting amalgamated hromadas, joined by 22 more local councils.

Soon, the number of such hromadas will increase. After all, according to the latest data of oblast state administrations, about 60 hromadas are at different stages of completing formal procedures for amalgamation or accession of neighbouring councils (are taking the final decision on amalgamation, awaiting the OSA’s conclusion to submit to the CEC).


elections V.Nehoda


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