ASC, Safety Centre and new outpatient clinic are ambitious plans of Babchynetska AH

The Babchynetska AH of the Vinnitsa Oblast started the construction of a Safety Centre, ASC and rural outpatient clinic.

According to Nina Zvarych, head of the Babchynetska AH, both the ASC and the Safety Centre will be located in the same building. It is convenient in management and will save funds on servicing the premises.

“We were the first in three rayons to amalgamate, made calculations and understood that it is profitable. We have our own funds – in 2017 we received UAH 9.6 million to the budget, in 2018 – UAH 14.6 million and currently plan to get UAH 16-17 million. We invest everything in the hromada: renovated the kindergarten, built recreation areas, sidewalks, roads, lighting and continue to manage our territory. We became participants of the state programme for rural outpatient clinics’ construction. The AH will contribute UAH 800 thousand, and another UAH 50 thousand are planned for participaton in the purchase of a specialised medical vehicle. A separate project is the ASC and Safety Centre establishment. At first, we wrote a project to get financing from the SFRD to open a Safety Centre, and received UAH 5.5 million, but while making the decision we made out mind to combine construction with the ASC. The AH has already invested about UAH 500 thousand in construction, and by the end of this year we will finance this project with another UAH 420 thousand. With the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the ASC will be equipped with furniture, appliances, 6 workplaces and a remote workplace in Vila-Yaruzski starosta district. In addition, within the framework of an intermunicipal cooperation, residents of the villages of Dzyhivka and Trostyanets in the Chernivtsi Rayon of the oblast will be served in Babchyntsi ASC,” said Nina Zvarych.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

08.05.2019 - 16:30 | Views: 9663

Attached images:


Вінницька область


Бабчинецька територіальна громада


Вінницький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування

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