Reminder! Information session on the fourth selection round of U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Roll-out Phase

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme invites hromada representatives to participate in the information session on the last (fourth) selection round of the Roll-Out Phase to be held on 14 May in Kyiv.

During the event participants will find out:

  • who can take part in the selection process and under what conditions,

  • how to correctly fill in the application form so that the hromada has a better chance of receiving Programme's assistance,

  • what should be taken into account in order to be able to establish proper ASC with the Programme's support as a result of the selection round.

To participate in the event, registration by the link is obligatory.

Registration is open until 12:00, 10 May 2019. Seats are limited.


More information regarding Round 4 terms and conditions can be found on the website

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

07.05.2019 - 09:00 | Views: 10318
Reminder! Information session on the fourth selection round of U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Roll-out Phase


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