Lviv Oblast announced intermunicipal cooperation projects competition

Village, settlement, city councils and councils of amalgamated hromadas of the Lviv Oblast, having entered into cooperation agreements, can submit their projects for reconstruction, major repairs of social infrastructure facilities, purchase of equipment, etc. Applications will be accepted from 26 April to 14 June 2019.

The project competition operates within the framework of the Lviv Oblast Programme for the Support of Hromadas’ Cooperation for 2019-2020, prepared jointly with the Lviv LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion. The sum of UAH 5 million is foreseen for 2019. The maximum amount of co-financing of the project is UAH 1.5 million in the format of 50/50% (oblast / local budgets). A mandatory non-budget contribution of at least 2% is envisaged.

The following documents are to be added to the defined-form project:

  • a copy of the Agreement on Cooperation of Territorial Hromadas, registered in the MinRegion’s Register of Agreements on Cooperation of Territorial Hromadas;
  • documents confirming the co-financing of the project on the part of the contestants, namely: properly certified certificates from financial institutions on the availability of non-budgetary funds of the contestant or legal obligations from the sponsor on funds’ allocation;
  • decisions of sessions of the local councils (executive committees) regarding allocation of funds from local budgets (in terms of specific facilities) are submitted by the contestants to the secretariat (according to the registration number of the application) within the term determined by the Competition Council;
  • documents justifying expenditures within the framework of the project (local and consolidated estimates, developed and certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, commercial offers, calculations, etc.);
  • certificate from the balance holder on the legal status of real estate;
  • photo of the facility.

Projects are not allowed to participate in the Competition if the contestant submitted an application later than specified by the Competition announcement; if the contestant filed more than one application; if the contestant submitted an official letter of recall of the project.

Financing will not be applied to the projects that envisage:

  • receipt of salaries, rewards and other compensatory payments by contestants;
  • repayment of debts and material losses;
  • purchase of licenses, patents, trademarks;
  • purchase and repair of equipment for the personal needs of NGOs and individuals;
  • issue of author’s works, organisation and conducting of personal exhibitions;
  • focus on political and electoral activities;
  • receiving income and direct financial assistance;
  • financing of privately-owned facilities.

Project proposals must be submitted in one pdf-file by e-mail to:, and the printed version should be sent to the address: Oblast Association of Local Councils “Lviv Oblast Council”, 18, Vinnychenko Str., office 140, Lviv 79008 (dated with postmark not later than 14.06.2019).

Additional information can be found by phone: +38 032 235-50-76, or by e-mail




Львівська область


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