Number of youth centre employees: indicative staffing norms approved

The Order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports as of 02.04.2019 No. 1648 approves Indicative Staffing Norms of the Number of Youth Centre Employees.

The indicative staffing norms of the number of youth centre employees are recommended to be applied by executive and local self-government bodies when forming and approving the structure and staffing lists of youth centres.

In addition, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20 March 2019 No. 246 regulates the issue of wage conditions for employees of youth centres of different levels.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.04.2019 - 10:37 | Views: 13389
Number of youth centre employees: indicative staffing norms approved




Міністерство молоді та спорту України

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