Three more villages to join Vyshnivetska AH

Due to well-coordinated teamwork, in course of two years the Vyshnivetska AH demonstrated its capacity and is currently self-sufficient and one of the best in the Ternopil Oblast.

It is not surprising that surrounding villages actively began to join it.

“Residents of three villages – Velyki Viknyny, Mali Viknyny and Kotyuzhyny of the Zbarazh Rayon, which, according to the perspective plan, were included in the Borsukivska AH of the Lanivtsi Rayon – pressed the deputies and the village head, and they finally decided to access the Vyshnivetska hromada. People understand that changes in our AH are significant, they will continue happening, besides, I do not see any more convenient option for these settlements. And not because it is headed by Mr Kravets, he is the head today, and tomorrow someone else may come. Hromadas are not formed for their heads, but for the people, so that it was more convenient for them to receive services, so that their children could study, work, develop in general, and do not go abroad!” said Volodymyr Kravets, head of the Vyshnivetska AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.04.2019 - 12:34 | Views: 10685
Three more villages to join Vyshnivetska AH




Тернопільська область


Вишнівецька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Вишнівецька територіальна громада



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