Schools, kindergartens, social objects: Volodymyr Groysman demands to analyse the effectiveness of development of infrastructure in Ukrainian cities and rayon centres

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman demands to analyse the effectiveness of infrastructure of Ukrainian cities and rayon centres whether there is sufficient amount of kindergartens, schools and other social facilities. The Head of Government gave a corresponding commission during the Coordinating Council on the reform of education that is taking place today in Dnipro.

"Throughout the country, large residential areas are being built. We can see all of that. I have a question: why, when the apartments are built, kindergartens, schools, clinics are not built nearby ... This is a serious mistake when the hromada allows to build residential areas and let out of control the construction of kindergartens and schools, this is the highest degree of corruption and bribery. In the construction of a square meter of housing money (for social facilities) is planned to allot. If there is a lack of such facilities, I ask: where is the funding?" asked Volodymyr Groysman.

The Head of Government set a deadline of two weeks for the analysis and determined the process coordinators - the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

"My commission is as follows: in two-weeks’ time to analyse all oblast and rayon centres, to study and show statistical data. Stop weirding people out. Apartments and shops bring profits to project owners. And I don’t mind those profits. But where is the infrastructure? The money has been budgeted for these purposes! I’m not going to offend anyone, but I will not turn a blind eye to such situation, problems must be settled!" added Volodymyr Groysman.

09.04.2019 - 14:25 | Views: 11993
Schools, kindergartens, social objects: Volodymyr Groysman demands to analyse the effectiveness of development of infrastructure in Ukrainian cities and rayon centres


Volodymyr Groysman education social services


Урядовий портал

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