Possibilities offered by decentralisation allow to strengthen position of vocational education in Ukraine, pledges Volodymyr Groysman

New administrative and financial opportunities offered as a result of the introduction of the decentralisation reform will enable strengthening the position of vocational education in Ukraine as a key element in the process of training personnel for a growing industrial production. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman in the framework of his working visit to Dnipro.

The PM reminded that the Concept of the decentralisation reform, having adopted 5 years ago, had already been implemented. "And for which purposes did we implement it? So that each of you (city mayors) possessed the tools, new financial capabilities and powers in order to be active and responsible", said Volodymyr Groysman. "In due course, we all agreed to transfer the branch of vocational education to the level of responsibility of cities and regions. We transferred the financial resource. And what would I do if I were a local leader? I would carry out an inventory of institutions, study the labour market comprehensively, make up the TOP-5 list of specialties and thus provide the real sector of the economy of the region. It is clear that everything should be made with the simultaneous upgrade of equipment, training, the introduction of new technologies. And what have we seen? Staff reduction, optimization, elimination. Meanwhile, the labor market gives us a signal that it needs skilled personnel! And to satisfy this need is our objective at all levels of government."


Currently, 745 state-run institutions of professional and vocational education operate in Ukraine. It comprises about 35,700 academic staff and 252,300 students. For various reasons, the level of training in vocational schools and the prestige of professions and qualifications have lagged behind the requirements of the economy for a long time. Meanwhile, the Government has already approved a strategic policy and action plan aimed to remedy the situation and meet the needs of the real sector in professional staff.

09.04.2019 - 14:22 | Views: 5512
Possibilities offered by decentralisation allow to strengthen position of vocational education in Ukraine, pledges Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman vocational training college


Урядовий портал

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