Another village council to join Kompaniyivska AH

On 9 April, the Kompaniyivka settlement council decided to join the amalgamated hromada of the Sofiyivka village council - these are two settlements of Sofiyivka and Pokrovka, reports the Kirovohrad Regional Department of AUC.

The initiative announced by residents of Sofiyivka village council to become a part of the amalgamated hromada was expressed last year. On 3 January 2019, the chairman of the village has signed a resolution “On studying the proposal to initiate voluntary accession to the AH and its public discussion”.

In February, the village council passed the final decision on accession.

“The wish to become a part of the Kompaniyivska AH was announced by the territory’s residents. We evaluate this decision as an activities assessment made by the entire team in terms of administrative and territorial reform. Turning back three years ago, the very word "decentralisation" frightened and provoked opposition, and now we see a contentious reaction. This does not mean that everything is all right at the hromada’s territory, we have a lot of work, and the main thing, we are working on, is attracting additional funds and investors to have resources for further development", emphasizes Oleksandr Maslyukov, head of the Kompaniyivska AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Кіровоградська область


Компаніївська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Компаніївська територіальна громада



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