Baikovetska AH: large enterprises and observatory

Since amalgamation in October 2015, the Baikovetska hromada has managed to become an example for other hromadas to follow: here they opened the first rural automated observatory in Ukraine, which gives schoolchildren the opportunity to explore distant galaxies; invest in equestrian club; plan to expand large enterprises, in particular, to manufacture electronics for Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche cars.


The Baikovetska amalgamated hromada was formed in October 2015. In total, the AH includes 7 village councils, two of which joined in December 2018. As of March 2019, almost 9 thousand people live on its territory.

The village of Baykivtsi, located a few kilometres from Ternopil, is the central settlement of the hromada.


According to the expert report of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion, in 2018, the Baikovetska AH ranks 20th in terms of financial capacity among 227 Ukrainian hromadas with a population of 5,000 to 10,000 people.

In course of the first years after amalgamation the Baikovetska AH actively allocated funds for infrastructure: road repairs, street lighting, renovation of hospitals and schools. Today one of hromada’s priorities is to provide local residents with jobs.


The Baikovetska AH is introducing the primary healthcare link. Here they set up an outpatient clinic of general practice – family medicine, which includes 6 paramedic and obstetric stations, where residents can consult a doctor or get referrals to hospitals in Ternopil.

In May 2016, a police station was opened in Baikivtsi to serve hromada residents and ensure abidance by the law.


AH head Anatoliy Kulyk says that the hromada managed to bring together good specialists able to implement the changes – both experienced people and the youth, who did not work in the system before.

The AH budget is largely formed by taxes paid by enterprises.

In 2006, foreign investors decided to build a cable manufacturing plant in Baikivtsi for the Volkswagen auto company SE Bordnetse-Ukraine (SEBN UA).


The factory mainly manufactures cable networks for Volkswagen Golf A7, Golf A8, Audi A4 B9 models.


The “Galit” enterprise, dental equipment producer, has been operating in Baikivtsi since 2000. There are more than 100 specialists manufacturing dental units for the Ukrainian market and export.


The MOST-Ukraine company, official representative of the American Wood-Mizer company, which produces and serves woodworking tools, has been operating in Baikivtsi since 2009.


The construction of the equestrian sport club began as a hobby, and now it is planned to turn it into a commercial project.


People are the most valuable resource of any hromada. Anatoliy Kulyk says that conscious desire of people to unite for the common good is one of the factors on which the idea of ​​the AH is based upon.


In June 2018, the first rural school observatory with computer hardware and educational materials was opened in Lozova.


The hromada allocated money to repair the premises and equip the observatory with everything necessary. The project was partly funded by the USAID “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme.


Through the Internet the AH will be able to provide temporary remote access to the telescope. Local astronomers can receive orders for research.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Тернопільська область


Байковецька територіальна громада



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