Our children have studying conditions at level of Dipro city schools, - head of Tsarychanska amalgamated hromada

The Tsarychanska hromada was established in 2016 and amalgamated 5 councils consisting of 23 settlements and almost 15 thousand people. The residents of Tsarychanka decided to amalgamate as they were tired of waiting - there was constant lack of money, and there was no elementary equipment in schools and medical institutions. Hennadii Sumskyi, head of the hromada, says that today their AH has flourished - not only the central settlement, but also the villages that joined it. The total budget of the Tsarychanska hromada has increased fourfold. In particular, more funds remain in villages.

Within the frames of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre-DOBRE Project, Hennadii Sumskyi, head of the Tsarychanska AH of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, told about hromada's achievements and plans.


“First of all, decentralisation allowed us to manage our money. Secondly, it is easier to solve common problems together,” says Hennadii Sumskyi.

“People can get acquainted with our activities and understand where we are moving. They also attend sessions. We have a public council, student self-government, and a youth council. They are all actively making suggestions. As for many projects, we conducted a survey and know the wishes of our youth. And we will work within the framework of the strategy developed by 2022,” adds the head of the hromada.

Local development strategy

The Tsarychanska hromada has identified education, sports, economics and healthcare as priorities of the local development strategy. In order to have money for the development of all these areas, the local authorities are attracting investors and are planning to support entrepreneurs with tax privileges. Two years ago, the hromada began receiving taxes from the Dnipro liqueur and spirits enterprise, and a powerful asphalt plant has started working this year. To enable entrepreneurs to develop their business, tax rates for them are being raised not immediately, but gradually.

“We also work on the creation of cooperatives and we want to organise a coworking centre, which will host an association of entrepreneurs, association of agricultural producers, a museum, as well as a tourism department. And these are new jobs."



"We stick to such a policy: a child in the most remote village should have the same opportunities as in the central settlement. Therefore, we have regular bus routes, bringing children from every village to hobby clubs at the Arts Centre, music school. Yes, it is not cheap, but we do not want to save on children. Our children have the same level of education as schoolchildren from Dnipro city schools and other schools of the oblast”.

“STEM-education and robotics give practical skills in everyday life. Our young people attend classes in robotics taught by good specialists."

** STEM -education is a trend in education covering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


“There are a lot of problems, but we are working on them. Medical employees are getting higher salaries now. Previously, a healthcare worker came after studies for a salary of UAH 6.000, but now he/she receives at least UAH 12.000 – 13.000. Due to the transition to a new kind of financing, healthcare now has twice as much money”.


To the question "Is it necessary to amalgamate?", Hennadii Sumskyi gives a positive answer. He says that their hromada is lucky to be supported by the oblast.

“There has never been an asphalted road in the village. People united, and in the same year, the only street in the village was asphalted and marked up. In case when there is lighting, a new kindergarten built, an outpatient clinic repaired or constructed - will people be against decentralisation? Of course, there are skeptics, but we get used to it,” Hennadii Sumskyi summarises.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


speaker DOBRE


Дніпропетровська область


Царичанська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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