The Better Regulation Delivery Office has launched the Portal for monitoring the financing of road construction and repairs, as informed by the BRDO’s press service.
“The portal will allow to effectively control the use of funds for road repairs, tender documentation and money allocated for traffic safety, that is, will open information on the volume and actual money expenditure items, paid daily by each automobilist,” the statement said.
Users will be able to find out information about road repairs in terms of oblasts and roads of state and local importance; money spent on traffic safety; tenders announced and conducted in the oblasts, and amount of funds actually spent by ordering party.
The Calculator tool also allows to calculate the amount of money paid by drivers for road repairs throughout the year, according to the amount of fuel purchased.
The BRDO recalled that in 2018 more than UAH 35 billion were spent on Ukrainian roads. However, the vast majority of roads – about 95% - remain in unsatisfactory condition, and 40% of them need a complete renovation.
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