Jobs for the youth and landscaping: changes after formation of Dunayevetska AH

The Dunayevetskaya AH is one of the largest urban hromadas in Ukraine that unites 51 settlements.

It has already created its investment passport, and felt that it is possible to profit from even empty technical lands – the hromada installs solar stations and receives income from each kilowatt produced, and there are jobs and social stability emerging.

Two years ago there was a landfill site on the place of a lucrative solar energy facility. The hromada gave empty technical land to businessmen to build the station. There are several such energy projects in Dunayivstsi. The rayon is welcoming any investor, since the budget is getting funds. In addition, 20% of the electricity produced is returned to the AH.

In order to create jobs, they arranged a competition of initiatives – a resident of any village could offer his/her project. There was no entertainment for children in Zalistsi. Mothers came up with an initiative at the competition and now the kids have a real playground.


Хмельницька область


Дунаєвецька територіальна громада


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