Fitness studio to be opened in library of Morynska AH

There are five new simulators, fit-ball, dumbbells and carpets for physical exercises. Soon, a fitness studio will be opened at the library of the Morynska amalgamated hromada in the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Rayon of the Cherkasy Oblast.

According to Liliya Zhukovska, deputy head of the Morynska AH, libraries should change their format to continue remaining a preferred place of leisure for neighboring residents. A combination of opportunities for intellectual and physical development will allow the library to become an updated center of hromada life, a source of comprehensive development of its people. At the same time, this will allow the library to become very popular among the youth, which now has many possibilities to lead a healthy lifestyle and to be interested in novelties of publishing houses.

15.03.2019 - 18:39 | Views: 8188
Fitness studio to be opened in library of Morynska AH




Черкаська область


Моринська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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