We have provided sufficient resources to regions and demand to invest more in modernisation of housing and communal services sector, - Volodymyr Groysman

The decentralisation reform initiated by the Government of Ukraine has substantially filled the local budgets, thus providing the resources that are necessary to invest in a new quality of people’s life - including in the segment of communal services. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the Question Time for the Government at the Verkhovna Rada.

The PM told that the issue of the cost of communal services is sensitive for Ukrainians. But its solution lies in the plane, in particular, of the formation of those tariffs. And in those cities where the housing and utilities sector is being updated, the cost of heat is much lower as compared to cities where the money is not invested in the networks. According to the Head of Government, an additional source of investment could become the disposable funds allocated for preparation for the 2018-2019 heating season.

"However! Of the sum worth UAH 12.5 billion allotted for preparation for the heating season, (for network upgrade) they spent only UAH 3 billion. Hence, we demand that local authorities start investing (in housing and communal services). And, for our part, we will exert every effort to increase domestic gas production as well", stressed Volodymyr Groysman.

15.03.2019 - 11:51 | Views: 6524
We have provided sufficient resources to regions and demand to invest more in modernisation of housing and communal services sector, - Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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