Young people in Terebovlyanska AH organise concerts, fairs and give advice to mayor

Members of the local youth council who fail to attend weekly council meetings get sacked relentlessly.

Several girls and boys have come together in a big meeting room of the Terebovlya town council. They are looking at a journalist from Kyiv with interest. Today, they have an unplanned meeting. These young citizens are members of the Terebovlya youth council that operates as a consulting and advisory body for the town mayor. The council is chaired by one of its founders – Nazar Turkovsky, a tall blond guy who has been working as the director of the Terebovlya Culture and Entertainment Centre for two years already. His deputy, Liliya Sokha, a law student at Ternopil National Economic University working also as a youth coordinator at the Terebovlya town council, makes her points in a balanced, calm and consistent way, just like a future lawyer should do.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE  

Attached images:


youth report


Тернопільська область


Теребовлянська територіальна громада


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