Cabinet of Ministers introduced changes to perspective plan of Odesa Oblast

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued an order dated 27 February, which introduced changes to the perspective plan for the formation of the territories of hromadas in the Odesa Oblast.

According to the document, the composition of the Baltska AH (additionally included Novopillia village council), the Biliaiivska AH (additionally included Hradenytsi, Kaharlyk, Myrne village councils), and the Avanhardivska AH (Novodolynsk village council added) is being clarified.

In addition, the pespective plan for the formation of the territories of hromadas in the Odesa Oblast is supplemented by the Kiliyska, Liubashivska, Vyzyrska, Oknianska hromadas.

As a result of these changes, amalgamated hromadas will be able independently or through appropriate local self-government bodies to provide the appropriate level of service, in particular in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection, housing and communal services, taking into account human resources, financial support and infrastructure development of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit.

In total, 31 AHs have already been established in the Odesa Oblast.


perspective plan amalgamation of hromadas


Одеська область


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