21 March 2025

Shakhivska AH knows how to develop

Last year, the Shakhivska AH opened the first Donetsk Oblast’s rural ASC, repaired a local cultural club after the fire and continues to build up its muscles, ranking fifth among 248 small hromadas, according to financial monitoring results.

Getting passport in rural ASC 

The Administrative Service Centre in the Shakhovska AH was opened from scratch – previously rural residents had to go to the rayon centre of Dobropillya to get administrative services. Since September 2018, the ASC of the Shakhivska hromada have gradually expanded its capacity. In November, it started issuing foreign biometric passports and internal passports in the form of ID cards. This service has just become popular. In just a few months, 180 foreign passports and 73 internal passports were issued.




ASC of the Shakhivska AH

Already this year this ASC is ready to serve the Shakhivska AH residents, but also their neighbours, including from other oblasts.

Hospital renovation and modular rural health posts

A large-scale repair of the hospital, built in 1906, continues near the ASC. The total renovation cost of the roof and walls amounts to UAH 4.8 million. Part of the money was received at the expense of the infrastructure subvention – a bit more than UAH 2 million, the rest was allocated from hromada’s own budget.

The healthcare network development plans include establishment of hromada’s own non-profit institution. The AH is also going to build modular rural health posts in the villages of Novotoretske, Mayak and Volodymyrivka.


Hospital being renovated

Development priorities

A few years ago, the hromada club burned down. It was restored at the expense of hromada’s own funds, the final repairs were competed last autumn. UAH 1.7 million were invested in the overhaul of the building. The cultural life is gradually reviving in the village club with the hall for 276 places, photo zones and dance classes.


The club, restored at the expense of the AH funds

Last year, the Safety centre received a cross-country capacity car.




In February 2019, the village council approved the socio-economic development programme of the Shakhivska AH for 2019. Sixty-one million hryvnias were planned to finance activities, envisaged in the programme. Besides, the hromada plans to receive UAH 8.2 million from the state and UAH 1.6 million from the oblast budget. Experts from the Donetsk LGDC assisted hromada in solving problematic issues in course of programme's formation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Донецька область


Шахівська територіальна громада


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