Gallery of innovations that change Ukraine. “We Develop Hromada Together” practice of the Dunayevetska urban AH

Gallery of innovations that change Ukraine. “We Develop Hromada Together” practice of the Dunayevetska urban AH

Ukrainian AHs already have their own experience of creating inclusive environment. Successful practice of the Dunayevetska urban AH deserves appreciation and detailed description, as this hromada became the finalist of the last year’s competition “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” on the topic “Inclusive Regional and Local Development”.

Almost three thousand adults and 209 children with disabilities living on the territory of the Dunayevetska hromada could not receive high-quality educational and social services, and thus were deprived of the opportunity to fully integrate into public life. Some children with special educational needs were had to stay in specialised educational boarding institutions, rather than live in their families.

The AH has a Youth, Reputable and Entrepreneurs’ Councils, aimed at constructive cooperation, representing interests of different groups of the population, and taking account of public opinion in decision-making and implementation.

The “Lastivka” (“Swallow”) Centre was opened here for children with special educational needs to provide them with proper rehabilitation and social services, carry out corrective work, teach practical, social, everyday skills, prepare children for adult life, develop their abilities and creativity.

According to Nadiya Slyusarchyk, author of “We Develop Hromada Together” practice and deputy mayor of Dunayivtsi, the specialists of the Centre use innovative techniques of a talented Italian teacher Maria Montessori in their work, apply a variety of modern therapies and teach not only children, but also their parents. They even publish the “Home Rehabilitologist” magazine for adults. A new good tradition has recently appeared in the hromada: creative works of the “Lastivka” patients are always demonstrated at Easter and Christmas fairs, as well as presented during annual Hromada Days festival.

Another communal institution of the AH is the “Territorial Centre of Social Services”. Its patients include those who found themselves in difficult living conditions; families where children have problems with the law; lonely elderly people. Motivational seminars and workshops on arts and crafts are organised for people with disabilities and women, who temporarily do not work, however, have creative skills. The Art Treasury project aims to promote self-employment and job placement.


Dunayivtsi City Council

50, Shevchenko str., 32400 Dunayivtsi city, Dunayivtsi Rayon, Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Telephone: (03858) 312 95; Fax: (03858) 318 99



Practice author and contact person:

Nadia Slyusarchyk, Deputy Mayor on the Issues of the Executive Bodies of the Executive Committee of the Dunayivtsi City Council

Telephone: (03858) 312 95, (097) 323 75 89


The material was prepared by independent journalist Iryna Nahrebetska with the assistance of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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Дунаєвецька територіальна громада


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