AHs were formed not for the state to feed them, but for the hromadas to financially sustain themselves – expert

There is no disaster in that this year the Irshavska AH will get UAH 50 thousand less infrastructure subvention compared to the previous years, said Volodymyr Feskov, decentralisation adviser of the Zakarpattia LGDC, to journalists, responding to the question of Hennadii Moskal, head of the Zakarpattia Oblast State Administration, published on the official website of the Oblast State Administration.

Of course, the annual additional financial assistance from the state, was once very helpful to every newly formed hromada. However, one should not forget that this assistance is annual, therefore, the AH will receive it again next year. The Irshavska AH indeed receives the smallest amount of funds compared to other AHs of the Zakarpattia Oblast, since the subvention is distributed according to the number of rural population and the area of ​​the rural territory, which is not as large in this hromada.

In the end, the budget of AH envisages a personal income tax inflow, which now goes not to the Irshava Rayon, but tp the Irshavska AH. In 2018 it amounted to UAH 31 million, and in 2019, according to the forecast, will make up UAH 33 million.

By the way, the financial performance of the Irshavska AH testifies to its financial capacity.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


amalgamation of hromadas


Закарпатська область


Іршавська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Іршавська територіальна громада



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