Intermunicipal cooperation: hromadas in most oblasts underestimate this development tool, - experts

“Cities and villages need to grasp the full potential and opportunities of hromadas’ cooperation. Indeed, the effective partnership between hromadas creates more lasting effects than implementation of certain cooperation agreements,” commented MP Lyubomyr Zubach during the round table on “Implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Cooperation of Hromadas": Status and Prospects of Development “, held on 15 February in Lviv.

In his opinion, it is strategically important for the state to search for incentives to involve cities in cooperation, since hromadas' amalgamation around points of economic growth and use of urban resources will ensure stable and real growth both for the partner hromadas and for the state as a whole. “That is why the development of cooperation in Ukraine needs to be supported and further improved in line with world trends that show success, in particular, urban agglomeration as a more integrated form of cooperation between the city and the surrounding hromadas,” said Lubomyr Zubach.

It is worth mentioning that the Law of Ukraine “On Cooperation of Hromadas” has been in force since July 2014. According to the data of MinRegion, as of February 2019, 1262 hromadas became users of the intermunicipal cooperation tool, having concluded 325 cooperation agreements.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.02.2019 - 09:53 | Views: 11358
Intermunicipal cooperation: hromadas in most oblasts underestimate this development tool, - experts

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