Website available to help create youth council in a small hromada

Following the approval of the provisions on youth advisory bodies by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hromadas started to form their youth councils.

To help create youth councils at the level of small hromadas (AHs, rural areas), managers of the project “I Have an Opinion: Creation of an Effective Model of Youth Participation at the Local Level” prepared a web resource

According to the authors, the website will be updated, depending on the user's request. Portal ​​developing ideas and new materials can be added through “About the project” tab.

The website is working in test mode.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

20.02.2019 - 10:58 | Views: 15980
Website available to help create youth council in a small hromada




ГО «Молодіжна Платформа»

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