“School of Youth Hromada Leaders” programme competition started

The NGO Educational and Analytical Centre for Hromada Development, together with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, starts selecting participants for the School of Youth Hromada Leaders” training programme.

What is the School of Youth Hromada Leaders” programme about?

  • Continuation of the unique educational project “Public Administration in the Field of Youth Policy”,

  • 200 hours of classroom and distance lessons,

  • Knowledge and skills that will improve the quality of your work with youth,

  • Best trainers and scholars of Ukraine,

  • 3 training sessions where you will learn how to better work with young people, create and implement projects, collaborate with active hromada members,

  • Combination of theoretical knowledge and practical tasks,

  • Draft Youth Development Strategy for your hromada,

  • Team of like-minded people, that includes public activists and civil servants

Obligatory terms of participation in the project:

  • Age: 20-35

  • Geography: amalgamated hromadas of Ukraine

  • Occupation: 1. head or deputy head of a youth NGO. 2. employee of the structural unit of the council, responsible for youth policy implementation.

  • Fill in the application form by 3 March, using the link https://cutt.ly/JSsp9.

  • Have a possibility to take part in 3 sessions, each lasting from 4 to 6 days

  • Fulfill all the tasks in a timely and qualitative manner.

  • Work actively with the hromada youth.

The winners of the project will be announced on 5 March at the FB page of the “Educational and Analytical Centre for Hromada Development” (www.facebook.com/ngocrh). Participants, who successfully pass exams and defend their final project work, will receive certificates. The first session will be held in Ternopil in the second half of March.

The organisers provide educational materials and accommodation of participants. If you have any questions, please send them to tengocrh@gmail.com

20.02.2019 - 10:42 | Views: 12813

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