Government issued resolution on action plan for new decentralisation phase implementation

The Governmental portal published a text of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by which the Government approved the action plan for the implementation of a new phase of reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power in Ukraine for 2019-2021.

The action plan contains six major tasks:

  1. Formation of a new territorial basis for the activities of public authorities at the level of hromadas and rayons.

  2. Transfer of powers of executive authorities to local self-government bodies and their differentiation on the principle of subsidiarity.

  3. Creation of an appropriate resource base to perform the powers of local self-government bodies.

  4. Formation of an effective system of service in local self-government bodies.

  5. Streamlining of the system of state control and supervision over the lawfulness of local self-government’s activities.

  6. Development of direct democracy forms: elections, referendums.

“To accomplish these tasks, decisions of the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, support of specialised associations, experts, and international partners are needed. The efforts of regional and local authorities, who still have time to decide themselves on hromadas’ amalgamation, are also important,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He noted that the reform has proven its effectiveness, because its results can be seen in almost every hromada in the country. “Hromadas that have used the opportunities of the reform earlier have greater achievements and are already seriously ahead in development of those still hesitating or unable to decide on joining efforts with their neighbours. And here we are talking not only about the construction and repairs in AHs and cities. The knowledge and experience gained by the leaders of capable hromadas over the years of work within the new conditions – with wide powers, considerable resources and responsibility to people – are much more valuable,” believes the First Deputy Minister.

He stressed that no one doubts about the necessity of continuation of decentralisation, except for those, who are accustomed to place their own interests above the interests of hromada residents. “Thus, there are no reasons to stop the reform. It's time to take consolidated and quick decisions on issues that are indeed significant and necessary,” noted Vyacheslav Nehoda.

20.02.2019 - 09:55 | Views: 14762
Government issued resolution on action plan for new decentralisation phase implementation


novyi etap V.Nehoda


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