City and urban/rural hromada management in partnership and cooperation model - adaptation to Ukrainian conditions - AUC handbook

The project on “City and urban/rural management in partnership and cooperation model - adaptation to Ukrainian conditions”, implemented by the Association of the Ukrainian Cities in cooperation with the city of Plock (Poland) and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, was compeleted in December 2018.

The project participants included the city of Zhytomyr, as well as the Yemilchynska and Stanyshivska AHs of the Zhytomyr Oblast. The Polish partners are the cities of Plock, Gmina Gabin and Gmina Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

During the project implementation, local self-government representatives from Ukraine acquired managerial skills in spatial development, in particular, they studied how to combine efforts to develop common territories – amalgamated hromadas and cities of oblast significance. The Ukrainian officials generated ideas for projects that could be implemented in their hromadas, taking into account the experience of Polish colleagues and adapting it to the Ukrainian conditions and realities (more about the project).

According to the results of the project, a handbook on “City and urban/rural management in partnership and cooperation model - adaptation to Ukrainian conditions” (DOWNLOAD 9.6 MB) was prepared.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.02.2019 - 15:22 | Views: 8831
City and urban/rural hromada management in partnership and cooperation model - adaptation to Ukrainian conditions - AUC handbook


spatial planning


Житомирська область


Асоціація міст України

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