Odesa Oblast: Mykolayivka residents declared their desire to form amalgamated hromada with rayon centre of Ovidiopol

A public discussion on hromadas' amalgamation took place on 24 January in Mykolayivka, Ovidiopol Rayon. Local authorities gathered residents to find out their opinion: whether they want to join the urban settlement of Ovidiopol or access the current Mayakivska AH.

Despite the fact that the voting results are of an advisory nature, since as yet no amalgamation initiatives have been taken from any of the potential centres of the hromada, Mykhaylo Zubik, village head of Mykolayivka, has promised that deputies will support the citizens’ decision when it is time to take it.

The event was attended by Oksana Hunenkova and Yevheniia Henova, advisers from the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.01.2019 - 12:07 | Views: 11174
Odesa Oblast: Mykolayivka residents declared their desire to form amalgamated hromada with rayon centre of Ovidiopol

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amalgamation of hromadas


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