Implementation of ASC construction and modernisation projects starts in 112 hromadas

At the end of January, the NIRAS Sweden AB team, implementers of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will start cooperation with hromadas participating in the 1st Round of ASC establishment and modernisation, in accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToRs) developed by the Programme experts.

Within the framework of the 1st Round, 112 hromadas received ToRs to establish appropriate ASCs with the support of the Programme. According to these ToRs, a new ASC will be established in 59 hromadas, and 53 existing ones will be modernised. Among them, mobile ASCs will appear in six hromadas; 26 hromadas will have joint hromada-rayon ASCs; five Centres will be established on the basis of intermunicipal cooperation agreements, and a remote ASC workplace will be opened in 73 settlements.

Term of Reference envisage institutional support for all 112 hromadas and physical support for 101 of them. More than 10,500 hours of institutional support and training, over 1,000 units of equipment and 10,000 pieces of furniture will be provided to hromadas-members of the 1st Round of the Roll-Out Phase, aimed at improved administrative service delivery of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

It should be mentioned that applications for the participation in the third, penultimate round of the Roll-Out Phase, will be accepted until 31 January.



Administrative services


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