MinRegion developed perspective plan for AHs’ formation on temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk Oblast

MinRegion together with the Luhansk Oblast Military and Civil Administration developed a perspective plan for the formation of amalgamated hromadas on the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk Oblast. They have already been submitted for the Government’s approval, as stated in the blog of Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, and Vadym Hayev, head of the Novopskovska AH for Censor.net website.

“Neither Ukraine nor a civilised world will ever recognise either the occupation of part of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts by the Russian Federation, nor pseudo-elections on these territories. Citizens of Ukraine residing there are temporary hostages of Russian aggression, and they will be released. This is just a matter of time. The reforms that Ukraine is undertaking for the country’s development and society consolidation will allow to reconstruct infrastructure, provide people with the right to a decent future. Therefore, we have set ourselves the task of developing perspective plans for the formation of AHs on these territories in the framework of decentralisation in accordance with the Methodology for the Formation of Capable Hromadas, approved by the Government in 2015,” the material reads.

According to the official, the perspective plan for the formation of AHs will be adopted at the next Governmental meeting. Thus, all Luhansk Oblast will receive a necessary instrument for active development already the next day after the liberation from Russian occupation.

“It is important that people in the temporarily occupied territories also see their development prospects. Decentralization reform is a change in the quality of life. And people there must know clearly that they also have a future – a stable civilised development in a peaceful state. We definitely want to see such hromadas as Alchevska, Dovzhanska on the map of Ukraine, we really want to see the Luhanska AH – just as successful in the future, as all other hromadas on the territory of the state,” Mr.Zubko emphasised.

The blog gives an example of the successful development of the first established AH in the Luhansk Oblast – the Novopskovska settlement amalgamated hromada. The hromada consists of 6 settlements, there are more than 12400 inhabitants. The first elections of heads and deputies took place there already on 25 October 2015. And the hromada proves daily that the Luhansk Oblast is Ukraine, which is its powerful pro-European region, where people want to live better and this goal can be successfully implemented. The AH road infrastructure has been restored, the ASC has been established there, the Cultural Centre has been restored, modern outpatient clinic is under construction, kindergartens and schools are being repaired.


09.01.2019 - 09:51 | Views: 10725

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H.Zubko perspective plan


Луганська область


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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