Chernihiv Oblast started preparation to the second decentralisation stage

The Chernihiv Oblast, one of the leaders in the decentralisation reform implementation in Ukraine, is ready to move to its second stage – formation of rayon level authorities.

This was discussed at the conference on the “Reform of subregional level of the administrative-territorial structure. From history to the present time", organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine,

“The Chernihiv Oblast is objectively ready to move on – form rayon level authorities and be a leader in these processes,” said Iryna Kudryk, Director of the Chernihiv LGDC.


The conference was attended by the representatives of the Chernihiv Oblast State Administration and Oblast Council, representatives of central executive authorities, heads of AHs, heads of rayon state administrations and rayon councils. Experts from the national level were invited for discussion as well.


Yuriy Hanushchak, expert of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion, introduced the powers of the future public authorities at the rayon level and the procedure for the formation of territorial executive authorities at the subregional level.


Representatives of rayon authorities noted that such discussions are needed in order to better understand the ongoing processes, the rules of the game, so that they could plan their further activities, taking into account the existence of AHs and the powers delegated to them.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область



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