AH formation in Kyiv Oblast is complicated by bureaucracy – Kyiv LGDC Director

Formation of amalgamated hromadas in the Kyiv Oblast is complicated by the bureaucracy, said Oleh Lyubimov, Director of the Kyiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Ukrinform reports.

“The situation with decentralisation in the Kyiv Oblast is not bad. People here understand amalgamation prospects. But due to some lack of understanding of certain executive structures, that influence AH formation, in general, the Kyiv Oblast is 22nd in the overall ranking of MinRegion,” Oleh Lyubimov said.

In his opinion, obstacles arise due to the lack of interaction with the oblast state administration and oblast council, as well as sabotage of the reform process by some officials at the oblast level.

Oleh Lyubimov emphasised that in course of more than a year the Kyiv LGDC has done a great job, explaining decentralisation benefits to hromadas, having organised more than 200 events during this time.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.12.2018 - 15:09 | Views: 8279
AH formation in Kyiv Oblast is complicated by bureaucracy – Kyiv LGDC Director

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