It is something like linear paper: theoretically you can write on it crosswise, but what will the quality be? - Vyacheslav Nehoda on oblast’s perspective plan

How will decentralisation continue in the Chernivtsi Oblast? This issue was discussed at a special meeting chaired by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, in the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre with the participation of representatives of MinRegion, Oblast State Administration, Central Reform Office under MinRegion, the South-West Hab of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Priority attention was paid to the issue of preparing a perspective plan for the formation of hromadas’ territories in the oblast. This document is approved by the oblast council and covers 100% of the oblast territory. However, in the opinion of the participants of the meeting, it needs to be additionally elaborated. In particular, it was said that along with large hromadas with more than 30 thousand people, creation of a number of small hromadas with population not exceeding 5 thousand people was foreseen. The disadvantages of the simulated vision of the AH formation include the lack in spatial potential for building up the territories of some of them. Certain non-amalgamated settlements are proposed to be included in large hromadas, while there are small AHs alongside with them that provide proper educational, healthcare, administrative services and need to be built up.

The participants of the meeting agreed on the need to finalise the perspective plan for the formation of the Chernivtsi Oblast’s hromadas and submit it to the Oblast Council for consideration within the shortest terms, since there remains less and less time until 2020, when regular local elections should take place on a new territorial basis of hromadas and rayons.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.12.2018 - 16:28 | Views: 12420

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V.Nehoda perspective plan


Чернівецька область


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