More than 90% of waste reused at the plant in Oliyivska AH

At Kromberg & Schubert plant, located in the Oliyivska amalgamated hromada, more than 90% of waste produced by the facility is recycled, said Olha Voyevutska, PR-manager of the plant, to the representatives of AHs of the Zhytomyr Oblast during the study visit “How to turn waste into income: practical advice for AH representatives”. Representatives from 11 hromadas saw how profitable waste management could be.

“Only 5-10% of waste is exported to solid household waste landfill. The rest – glass, paper, plastic, darts, insulating tape, etc. – is taken by entrepreneurs. This are considerable funds the company directs to social projects – contests, charity, promotions, trips for workers,” told Olha Voyevutska.

The study visit was organised in the framework of the project “Improvement of the quality of services in the field of waste management at the municipal level in AHs” of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, implemented jointly with the GIZ Sustainable Economic Development cluster.

This project involves establishment of a system of waste management in selected hromadas. Within the framework of the project, on 22-24 January, 2019, a first training module will be held on the basis of the Zhytomyr LGDC for hromada experts with the participation of international experts in the field of solid household waste management.

In February 2019, a study visit to Slovenia will take place for representatives of selected hromadas of pilot regions (Volyn, Zhytomyr and Dnipropetrovsk Oblasts).

The main purpose of these visits is to acquire knowledge and get acquainted with the best practices of transparent and responsible waste management and to establish partnerships with Slovenian hromadas for the successful and sustainable cooperation of the Ukrainian and Slovenian municipalities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.12.2018 - 09:47 | Views: 9057

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